The Messenger

Too Much Homework!

by: Prescott Johnson '20
Students are trying their best to be involved in many extracurricular activities at their school. They have become involved with musical instruments, asb, sports, Ambassador Club, and many other activities. High schoolers also are pushed into taking higher level classes like AP’s...

Students are trying their best to be involved in many extracurricular activities at their school. They have become involved with musical instruments, asb, sports, Ambassador Club, and many other activities. High schoolers also are pushed into taking higher level classes like AP’s which can give out massive amounts of homework a night.

Because of this dangerous combination of many extracurricular activities and lengthy homework, students are not getting a healthy amount of sleep. According to, high schoolers especially, need to get eight or more hours of sleep per night to have a healthy lifestyle.

Students are becoming stressed about this dangerous combination. A example of this situation was directly after the Spiritual Life Retreat during Martin Luther King Jr. weekend. Students went up to the mountains from Saturday morning to Monday afternoon. Once they came back, some students had many hours of work they had to complete even though the teachers knew that students were embarking on this retreat. When asked about her SLR experience, Sam Wu, a sophomore, added, “ There was a lot of homework over that weekend even though the teachers knew that some students were going to be at a retreat”. This was a common problem among students that went to SLR. Sam also is involved with Orchestra, Ambassador Club, and sports. She feels that pressure overwhelmed her when she has all of these activities to tackle, upon hours of homework. The same can be said about Mikaya Kim, a sophomore, “ I sit down and try to do my homework early ... and I become completely stressed”. He is involved with Orchestra, Percussion, Ambassador Club, and ASB.

Many students are suffering with juggling many different tasks at once. They do not get enough sleep nor do they live a healthy lifestyle because of stress.