Maranatha High School is a private, comprehensive, college-preparatory co-ed Christian high school, grades 9-12 located just a few blocks from Old Town Pasadena. Our College Board Code is 052686.
Maranatha High School holds dual accreditation with Western Association of Schools & Colleges (WASC) as well as Association of Christian Schools International (ACSI).
The Learning Assistance Program is designed for students with documented difficulties in learning. Each student is provided an Instructional Support Plan (ISP) for the classroom that includes appropriate documentation of diagnosis as required by the College Board for accommodations necessary for testing.
Winter Term, a mini-semester in college gives our students a greater opportunity to attend workshops and classes to explore topics that may not be found in the traditional academic curriculum . These courses are perfect for a short, more intensive study. Courses (see a sample of the Course Catalog HERE) are developed by faculty, administrators, and staff, all of whom will bring their creativity and personal passion into the classroom. Nearly 90 unique classes are offered each year, with students choosing from two main tracks: Traditional Track and Spiritual Life Retreat Track. A unique experience loved by our students.
Maranatha draws students from more than 70 middle schools and over 160 Christian church backgrounds. The total enrollment is approximately 524 students. The ethnic makeup of Maranatha’s student body is:
African American (7%)
Asian American/AAPI (32%)
Caucasian (29%)
Hispanic/Latino (17%)
Other/Multi- Ethnic (15%)
Ethnic, cultural, and socio-economic diversity are valued at Maranatha and financial assistance is awarded to more than a quarter of our student body.
The average class size is 21. The student/teacher ratio is 11:1. The standard course load for students in grades 9-11 consists of seven courses per semester; seniors may enroll in six. Every class is 55 minutes in length and meets four times per week. Class periods rotate daily to allow for chapel and an Enrichment period each week. Students take Theology classes all four years. All of our Theology courses are UC-approved as Humanities Electives.
Students qualify for honors and Advanced Placement courses by demonstrating proficiency in the applicable subject area coupled with teacher recommendation and/or department recommendation. Honors and Advanced Placement courses are designated on the students' transcripts and are weighted in the calculation of the GPA. All students enrolled in an AP class are required to take the AP test. Maranatha boasts an average 82% pass rate on AP tests. In 2014, 208 students sat for 487 examinations: 74% earned a 3 or above, 47% earned a 4, and 21% earned a 5. 100 exams earned perfect scores and there were 82 AP Scholars.
Maranatha offers a number of special courses some of which offer optional class trips. There are several international academic trip opportunities at Maranatha to places such as Costa Rica, Israel, Europe (Arts and Language), British Isles (Humanities), Australia/New Zealand, Galapagos Islands, Mexico (ASL), Germany/Poland. Some unique course offerings include: R.D. Oliver Institute, Theology and the Arts, Musical Theater, Orchestra, Pastoral Theology, and a strong American Sign Language Department.