Maranatha High School depends on the support of our parent volunteers. You can get involved, meet other families, and serve in any of our 3 parent auxiliary groups:  Parent Association, Boosters Club, and Friends of Maranatha Arts. Please click on each group below to view membership info and serving opportunities. 

myMHS Tutorial Videos

Using myMHS will enable you to see your students grades, schedule, upcoming assignments and more.
CLICK HERE to view several short tutorial videos.

Earn & Track Parent Hours with the MobileServe app

Current Volunteer Opportunities
Download the MobileServe app, available in your Apple or Google app store, to your mobile device. Log in using the same email that Maranatha uses to communicate with you (the one you have on your profile in myMHS). Click HERE to view a tutorial video on how to use the app.

In the MobileServe app, you can view opportunities to serve or items that are needed for upcoming events hosted by the PA, Booster Club, Friends of Maranatha Arts, and other groups. Thank you for your willingness to serve our school!
If you have any questions about signing up to volunteer or donate items for events, please email the Parent Service Program Coordinator at