News Detail

First Place Win at the Pasadena Rotary Semi-Finals

A Maranatha student took first place in the semi-finals!
Maranatha sophomore Chidera Abaelu came in first place last week at the Pasadena Rotary Four-Way Test Speech Tournament at the University Club on the campus of Fuller Seminary. Her speech addressed the sensitive topic of eating disorders and how Rotarian-type service can change the lives of those struggling in the area of body image. Chidera's first-place win bested her opponents from La Salle and San Marino. Chidera will represent Maranatha as she competes in the semi-finals in April. If she advances beyond the April round, then she will compete for the $5,000 grand prize in Palm Springs at the end of June.
Arden Benitez, who was one of the runners-up, won the hearts of the Rotarians with his speech about his personal experiences serving children in Honduras with his soccer ministry in honor of his late father. The Rotarians continued to discuss how they might financially support Arden in his endeavors to change the lives of the young people in Honduras.