News Detail

Events Succeed Because of You!

A school the size of Maranatha holds many events throughout the year, and while each one is unique and purposeful, most all share one thing common - they rely on the help of parent volunteers. 
As we look ahead at the final few months of the school year, we have several events that need assistance from parent volunteers to ensure their success. These opportunities to serve and support our school are posted on our SignUp Genius web page which you can access online HERE. For your convenience, here is a glimpse of a few upcoming events which could greatly use your help:

  • FRESH START DAY - The Admissions office hosts our newly enrolled students and their parents on Saturday, March 23, and needs volunteers to help with set-up and tear-down, as well as donations of a few more food items. See list HERE.
  • GRANDPARENTS’ DAY - Help us welcome our grandparents to campus by volunteering to assist with set-up, tear-down, guest registration, and buffet service. It takes 28 volunteers to pull off an event of this scale. If you would like to help the Advancement office with this event, sign up HERE.
  • “THE WIZARD OF OZ” SHOW - In just a few weeks, the Performing Arts Department will present their Spring musical, “Wizard of Oz”. Volunteers are needed to usher, distribute tickets at will call, sell concessions, assist with candy and flower grams, and more. In total, there are over 40 positions still to be filled. You can see the list and sign up HERE.
  • FESTIVAL OF ARTS - In conjunction with the “Wizard of Oz” production, our Arts Departments will be hosting Maranatha’s 1st Annual Festival of the Arts. The weekend of March 14-16 will be exciting as both these events will draw hundreds of guests to campus, and volunteers are needed for food service, supervising the interactive art activities, tear-down, and more. See the current list of needs HERE.

We hope you will consider jumping in and assisting us to ensure these events are a great success. Helping hands and willing hearts are a hallmark of our school community and we appreciate each person who supports our staff by getting involved and giving freely of their time and talents.

For parents who still need to earn additional PSP hours, one hour is awarded for each hour of volunteer service, and for every $10 in items donated. Remember to check the school’s SignUp Genius page to see a current list of volunteer and donation opportunities. Thank you!
