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10-28-2020 update

Thank you to everyone who was able to join us last Thursday for the All-School Parent Forum in which we discussed the re-opening of our campus. In their presentation, the Academic Team talked about protocols, how the flow of traffic will look, what classes and instruction may look like, the possible schedule, and a couple of other features. If you were unable to participate in the Parent Forum, you may watch a recording of it HERE

Though this week's reported COVID-19 case numbers for Los Angeles County are similar to last week, we remain hopeful that we will see improvement in the near future. If you have specific questions about our school's plans or response to this pandemic, you are welcome to email
As we continue to prepare for the return of on-campus instruction, we want to provide you with information about how the school will respond to a positive COVID-19 case.
If your student is exposed to someone who tests positive for COVID-19 outside of school: Please keep your student home for the 14-day quarantine period, monitor him/her for symptoms, and notify Maranatha's Covid Exposure Management Team by email at During this time in which we have athletics and performing arts on campus in designated cohorts, please communicate this information to your child's coach or performing arts teacher also. This information will be kept in strict confidence.  
If your student is in close contact with someone who tests positive for COVID-19 at school: According to the CDC, "close contact" is someone who has spent a total of 15 minutes or more within six feet of an infected individual over a 24 hour period, or has been exposed to bodily fluids (i.e. cough/sneezed on, shared food/drink, etc). As soon as a positive case is reported, the school and the public health department will communicate with the necessary individuals who will need to self-quarantine, while maintaining full confidentiality of the sick individual. 
If your student has COVID-19: Please follow your doctor's instructions! Notify Maranatha's Covid Exposure Management Team by emailing, and please keep your student and family at home. CLICK HERE to view LA County's guidelines for home isolation.
If a Maranatha faculty or staff member is exposed to, or tests positive for, COVID-19: We will ensure that the individual is quarantined or isolated. Additionally, anyone who has been in close contact with the individual on-campus will be notified.
In any of the above instances, please be assured that we will communicate the information necessary to keep our school community safe, but we will also protect the confidentiality of everyone involved. 
We ask you to continue to diligently follow health and safety guidelines to slow the spread of Coronavirus. 
  • Stay home as much as possible
  • In public, wear a face covering and avoid places where a lot of people are together
  • Maintain a distance of at least 6 feet from others
  • Wash your hands frequently with soap and water
  • Avoid non-essential travel
You may view our previous COVID-19 communications and find links to resources on our Return to Campus Updates webpage
John Rouse
Head of School