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March 30, 2020 Update

March 30, 2020
Dear Maranatha Community,
We have finished our first full week of eLearning! I'm very proud of the reports I've been hearing about how hard you are all working, what you are accomplishing in your classrooms, and I want to encourage you to continue to do so.
One of God's hidden blessings for our school was that we had already established a one-on-one technology solution for learning. This has really helped us and given us an advantage during these times. Since each of us was already equipped with the same devices, we could utilize that same platform to really learn well. I want to encourage you to finish strong. We only have 8 more days before Easter break, so let's get excited!
Now that we've been doing eLearning for a little over a week, we'd like some feedback. I'm asking you to share any thoughts or feedback you have about your class instruction with your teachers by emailing them directly. While you're at it, give your teachers some encouragement or maybe "like" one of their videos. If you are experiencing major issues with eLearning or have concerns about the curriculum, please email our Dean of Academics, Mr. Tim Fenderson. And if you really want to brag about the great job your teacher is doing, Mr. Fenderson would love to hear from you. Email questions about college counseling and course selections for next year to your designated College Counselor. Your Advisor may also be able to help you get the information you need. If you are having problems with your iPad or connecting to the eLearning platform, you will want to email for support. Our Tech team is working very hard to support us. If you are interested in learning what is happening with ASB or any other Student Services, you can email Mr. Johnny Marmelstein. If you would like more information about Student Ministries, such as morning worship, please email Mr. Greg Parker. I want to encourage you to continue to talk about these things, to have an opinion, and to share your opinion with those around you in a positive way. 
We continue to be in a very dynamic time in the history of our school, our nation, and our world. As we adjust to these unique circumstances, continue to focus on the things that you can do. You can do eLearning well, just as you've done this past week. And I encourage you to continue to so, all the way through to Easter break.
I also want you to know that, as a school, we are doing everything possible to stay in front of this situation. We are in communication with both local and state public health organizations, as well as monitoring information from the CDC on a regular basis to ensure your safety and health as we provide a quality education for you. After all, our campus is closed, but school isn't! 
Thank you for the many emails I received this past week that were such an encouragement to me. One of our newest faculty members, Mr. Roberto Ramirez, sent me an email a few days ago that blessed me, and I hope it blesses you as well. It's humorous, but it's so appropriate for what we are dealing with right now that I wanted to share it with you. Mr. Ramirez had received an email from his sister, who is also sequestered in her own home, last Thursday, March 26, 2020. What he forwarded to me simply said, "I want you to look up Isaiah 26:20 and see how great our God is." It reads:
Come, my people, enter into your rooms
And close your doors behind you;
Hide for a little while
Until indignation runs its course.
Isn't it interesting that thousands of years ago a prophet of God shared this with the people of Israel when they were also in a difficult time, while they were in exile and looking to return home? We, too, are looking forward to us all coming home--to our campus--eventually. 

This week I want to encourage you to know that God is with us. And if He is with us, who can be against us? So be strong and have a great week. I look forward to seeing you all soon!
God bless,
John Rouse
Head of School
