
Become a Global Steward and Serve the World

Come join one (or more) of Maranatha’s Global Steward Service trips and help make a difference in the world!
Formerly known as Mission trips, the Global Steward Service trips committee will be having a meeting on Wednesday, October 24 at 6:30 p.m. in the Student Center. This meeting will be for students and parents to answer questions and receive detailed information for each trip.

The four trips scheduled for this year are listed below. While the exact dates for some of the trips are not yet finalized, the projected dates are shown below.
  • Greece - Our Maranatha team will have the chance to journey the steps of the Apostle Paul and see some of the most amazing historical sites known to man. In addition, the team will minister to some refugees that need the love of Christ. This is a trip to be remembered. *SENIORS WILL BE GIVEN FIRST PRIORITY. The dates for Greece are from April 12-22, 2019.  
  • Rosebud Academy - This is a local trip that will minister to a nearby school community in Altadena. We will have a chance to impact these students for Christ in several ways. The opportunity exists for us to do service and care for these treasured gifts of God. As the time gets closer, we will have more exact details for our time at Rosebud Academy. This trip will take place over Easter break from April 22-24, 2019.
  • New Orleans - We will be returning to NOLA in the Summer to see what the Lord has for us. During our visit, we will have a great chance to grow together and help the people of New Orleans heal from the devastation of Hurricane Katrina. The projected dates for New Orleans are from June 9-15, 2019.
  • Phoenix Dream Center - A team will be heading to the Dream Center in Arizona this summer and joining the center for some hands-on ministry to that community. Our Maranatha team will be assisting with several ongoing ministries, homelessness, human trafficking, and nursing homes. The projected dates for this trip are June 14-22, 2019.

Global Steward Service trips are a wonderful opportunity to experience other parts of your local community and the world, as well as learning more about yourself, working through Christ, and making a difference in the world.

If you have any questions, please contact Mike Mancini, Global Steward Service trip Advisor, at m_mancini@mhs-hs.org.