Volunteer Opportunities Available on SignUp Genius

We would love to have your help!

We have multiple opportunities for you to earn Parent Service Program (PSP) hours. You can view them all on the school’s SignUp Genius page (link found in your myMHS Resources tab). But, we wanted to highlight a couple that are time sensitive. Would you please consider signing up to help?
Grandparents’ Day - We need more than a dozen parent volunteers to help us welcome and serve our distinguished grandparent guests on Friday, November 18, and a handful to assist with setting up the event on Nov. 17. View the SignUp Genius post HERE to see all the ways you can help with this fun event!
Front Reception Desk - multiple weekdays through May. These service hours are a great deal! We need volunteers to cover the front reception desk to answer phones and sign for packages for only 30 minutes (11:00-11:30 am) most weekdays, but you’ll earn ONE FULL HOUR for each shift you serve! You can read the details and sign up on our SignUp Genius post HERE. Please note, you must be vaccinated to participate, and then you will also need clearance with a Livescan check and TB test. Contact Phil Gallegos in Human Resources at p_gallegos@mhs-hs.org for more information.