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MHS Junior Places in Congressional Art Competition

Each year members of Congress hold a special competition to highlight and honor high school artists. Once again, a Maranatha student’s artwork is recognized.

This year, Yun-An "Ann" Chen ‘24, a student in Mrs. Barnhart’s AP Art & Design class, won 3rd Place in the 28th Congressional Art Competition for Judy Chu's district's 14th Annual Artistic Discovery event. Ann’s piece, which is done in gouache on paper, is titled, "Wind of Fish". Her work was inspired by koinobori windsocks and represents freedom. 
There were over 150 artworks entered this year from students living in the 28th Congressional district and 8 finalists. The winners were determined by a panel of judges from The Art Center College of Design, in Pasadena and announced at a reception held at the Huntington Library in San Marino on April 13th. Judy Chu herself presided over the award portion of the event. Ann not only won a monetary award, her artwork will hang on display in Judy Chu's Pasadena office for a year.
Maranatha art students have won awards in this contest, and in other districts, many times over the years, putting Maranatha in the spotlight in the art community.