News Detail

You Can Be Part of Our World Culture Day Celebration

Maranatha will host its second annual World Culture Day celebration on Thursday, April 6.

This day is a chance for us to continue to celebrate the richness of cultures at our school and embrace God's multiethnic vision for the church captured in Revelation 7:9. Our hope is to gain a larger vision and a broader taste of God's Kingdom on Earth.
As a continuum of what we are doing though C.A.R.E. and Student Ministries throughout the year, this event will begin with a worship service followed by an interactive time to experience our different cultural heritages. We are inviting students, faculty, staff, parents, alumni, and friends to host interactive cultural experiences using art, music, history, food, story, and more. Our prayer is for our campus to blossom into a place where everyone is seen and known in a way that leads to transformation.
If you are interested in hosting a cultural experience at our World Culture Day celebration, please fill out the following Google form:  World Culture Day Booth Host Application Form (2023)
If you have any questions about the event, please email James Layton at