News Detail

World Culture Day Celebration

Maranatha will be hosting its first World Culture Day celebration on Friday, April 1, 2022 from 10:50 am - 1:20 pm.
This day is a chance for us to celebrate the richness of cultures at our school and live out John's vision of the Kingdom captured in our theme verse this year, Revelation 7:9. In light of this vision, we will be celebrating the diversity of God's multiethnic family in Christ by embracing the ethnic heritages represented in our community. Our hope is to get a bigger vision and taste of God's Kingdom on earth.

For our celebration, we will be hosting a worship service during chapel time, followed by an interactive time to experience different cultures. We are inviting community members to create interactive cultural experiences with art, music, history, food, story, and more.
If you are interested in hosting a table experience, as a club, class, family, or community member, please use this link to the Google form to sign up. For questions about the event, contact the CARE Team.