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03-10-2021 update

This week we received encouraging news when the number of new Covid-19 cases in LA County dropped to 5.2 (adjusted) cases per 100,000 (down from 7.2 last week). While we remain in the Purple tier, we are one significant step closer to re-opening our campus. To qualify for the Red tier, in which we would be permitted to have our students return to Hybrid on-campus instruction, the case rate must continue to be 7.0 or lower when the numbers are reported again next Tuesday, March 16. It is our hope and prayer that this goal will be achieved again next Tuesday and that LA County will move to the Red tier the following day. Then, pending approval from the Pasadena Public Health Department, we will announce the re-opening date for our campus - tentatively scheduled for Monday, March 22. We share this date, 3/22/21, so you can also begin to make arrangements if your student plans to join us on campus for Hybrid Learning. 
We will be publishing our Return to Campus Plan next week and providing more detailed information for our families at the March 18th All-School Parent Forum.

We are optimistic that we will be resuming in-person instruction before Easter Break and ask you to join us in praying that this benchmark will be reached next week so that our students can once again thrive in community with each other. Please continue to be safe and healthy, maintain physical distancing when outside of your home, wear a face mask, and wash your hands frequently. If you have specific questions about our school's plans or response to this pandemic, please direct them to
John Rouse
Head of School 